The Rockefeller Files - Gary Allen

Excellent reference.

Thank You Draven.

Please keep doing this work Brother

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If you can please continue to post an audio version. I listen a lot at work or driving. I don't want to miss any of this content.

Much Love

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Sure thing. I’m probably going to put it all together in sort of an audiobook and post it to YouTube and rumble. I’ll tell you what….. I’ll start putting 2 or 3 chapters at a time into a video and post them on my channels starting maybe today?

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That is awesome Draven. I've been watching several of your videos on Rumble. I want to say, you are dialed in and I appreciate the way you stay on track. This is what seems like an insurmountable amount of information and I've seen people have a very hard time organizing and delivering this much content in an intelligible way. You are doing a great and important job and I want to thank you man.

With the holidays wrapped up I will be able to start getting some people to Substack and specifically to your posts. I'll also get them to your Rumble page.

I'm grateful there are people like you that have the knowledge, know how and determination to do this work.

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I really appreciate this. I’m banned from social media and terribly shadowbanned/unfindable on YouTube, for years now and have really no way to get this information out. It’s hard to put a lot of this stuff together and have it be seen by virtually nobody, or just a dozen or so folks who know what time it is, as seems to be the case sometimes. So, it really helps to motivate me when, every now and again, I get a positive, and especially heartfelt comment like this, and so I wanted to say, thank you....

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That and Substack.

I believe Substack is taking off and people have been exactly where you are right now and they currently have thousands in their audience.

SaltyCracker and MrTruthBomb are great examples My Friend.

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You're awesome Draven.

I was suspended indefinitely, I think it said, on Twitter. It was the first drop of the laptop-Biden files.

I had a fake link in my profile



I had to rebuild an account with different email and phone number. Pain in the ass.

I was banned for being a jerk off. You're banned for exposing the truth. And there in lies the difference. And a great analogy of what is reasonable and what isn't. You are being politically maligned and your freedom of speech is being violated. Especially if there are any three letter .org's involved.

You know all this, better than me.

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