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The Basis For Our Confusion Ch 10

The Basis For Our Confusion Ch 10

What exactly do they want?

So far, we’ve sought out to find out what information even is, where it comes from, and how it’s disseminated to the masses. We’ve concluded that this info has been controlled and coordinated to fit a particular narrative, or agenda, going back hundreds, even thousands of years yet some believe that this era has ended, and in the time of American world supremacy, that most of the countries of the world have freedom of speech and free flowing information systems set up and therefore, the information is no longer controlled by a powerful few, as in the days of the Kings and Queens, and corrupt Popes. We’ve determined that these people seem to be suffering from, what seems to be some mental illness, or maybe are being unknowingly lured into a cult, where the establishment is the cult, and the media heads acting in unison, as the cult leader, using cult-like tactics upon whole populations, keeping them scared, and insecure, and confused, waiting for the nightly news to explain to them what has happened today, and what they should think and worry about for tomorrow. We spoke briefly on intelligence operations and experiments being conducted on whole populations like Operation Mockingbird, and MK Ultra, with the first one being, effectively the weaponization of the news media in order to mass brainwash the whole country, and the latter being a shock and trauma op designed to keep the population in a very confused and submissive state.

Upon the realization that it is quite possible to control information and the perception of whole populations, we sought out to identify where this control is coming from. We found that it was, primarily, through the control of major media of the time….first through controlling the port towns in the early years, then via control of the print media, then through the control of large expert think tanks who drum up fake research on global issues and then pump their findings through the complicit media bullhorn, of which now consists of the large tech media companies all owned, and in many cases even created, by these controllers behind the scenes. We’ve found that all of the media, and most of these think tank/lobby groups are owned or controlled by a small group of people, through control of various business entities, like Blackrock and Vanguard as an example. We’ve found many of the think tanks are controlled by these same people through the military industrial complex, while most of the others are offshoots of the original ones set up a hundred years ago by Andrew Carnegie, JP Rockafeller, or their friends.

We took a look at many of the global institutions and world bodies like the WHO, the UN, or the IMF and world bank. We see that these are the fruits of the seeds planted by Andrew Carnegie, and his European handlers, planted just after the First World War, known as the League of Nations, hell, that’s why that war even occurred in the first place folks.. But it wasn’t enough, the world wasn’t ready yet, and so there was a second one, a more devastating one, one just horrific enough to get the sheep to finally accept this new world body but just in case, the controllers changed the name this time, they re-branded it, it was the United Nations.. This was the first step, the most necessary of all steps…..A central world body, a central world arbiter. Once you have in place, a central world authority, even with limited powers initially, the controllers can slowly take that organization and grow it, adding a tentacle here, and a tentacle there, slithering more and more into regular Americans lives until one day there is a terrible pandemic, one that causes the need for a unified world response….. Well, lo and behold, the controllers just happen to have this world body, one with offshoots now, like the WHO, that is in what seems to be a perfect position to jump right in and take over full control of the world during these time periods like during pandemics but this would also bleed over into any type of major crisis, like problems with say, gun violence for instance. World bodies everywhere, equipped to come in and “help” with any crisis in any country, at any time. Of course, once they ceded control, like the WHO wants during the “next pandemic”, then as we’ve watched these people do so many times, they will then make the case for the need for more control, and will slither further and further into our daily lives, all controlled by people that you’ve never even heard of, let alone voted for.

We’ve found that not only is the media controlled, but so is the culture. We’ve shown that Hollywood is one big CIA operation nowadays, if not even as far back as the invention of the TV itself, probably being a black op invention rolled out in order to propagandize hundreds of millions of people at once. We see the sports industry completely controlled, and with covid, we saw hundreds of corporations fall in to lock step with any and all restrictions without regard for the constitution and this is a huge red flag for me. When we look at these industries, as we previously did here with the 5 major media companies, we found Blackrock and vanguard holding the largest stakes. Without getting too redundant, we find these two usual suspects holding some interests in the sports industry but nothing at all like they do with the media. We find them in control of a majority of the corporations that didn’t question the mandates, but not all of them. Now, I may be missing something, and if I took a few days of digging, I might be able to connect Blackrock and Vanguard to owning all of these corps but how do we explain the control of Hollywood by these few elite billionaires who control Blackrock and vanguard? Who is controlling 80 percent of the world politicians? Is it Blackrock and vanguard? Blackrock and vanguard are fairly new with respect to our world being controlled. It seems as though there’s been a group of people controlling the strings since well before the inception of either of these two corporations. These top corporations could simply be the financial arm of control of some group or entity operating from behind the scenes? This is to say that the controllers of these companies, like Larry Fink of Black Rock for instance, he may be a puppet, controlled in some way, by an unseen entity operating in the shadows. Furthermore, we could then see this occur with our politicians, this entity in the shadows could be using their corporate control to take control of the politicians through donations, kickbacks, or laundering, or through the control of blackmail rings like Hugh Hefner, or Jeffrey Epstein. Of course, you could then take that example and overlay it onto the sports stars and ceos, along with the Hollywood stars, and the studio ceos, they could all be being controlled via monetary kickbacks and laundering, or job guarantees etc or via blackmail.

We know going back in time, that the European elite controlled American robber barons laid the seeds for the centralization that we are witnessing now, snatching control of the healthcare, school system, sciences, etc, and the creation of those world governing bodies. We also can see that it is their corporate legacy that lives on within the current world business culture as we know it I.E. globalism, greed, monopolistic, with whole industries now centralized. If these men created all of this, or at least helped to lay the seeds of this, how were they able to continue to grow and consolidate power, and infiltrate all faucets of our lives for a hundred years after their deaths? The answer is that these men, that we are told built america, were mere agents, puppets themselves to a greater authority. The obvious control may have come from the bankers? Whether Carnegie, and his massive steel factories, or JD Rockafeller, and his behemoth oil derricks and refineries all over the country, they needed large sums of capital in order to establish these large operations. This is where JP Morgan comes in…..He was the European banker agent in the US. This is very similar to a concept laid out earlier in this chapter where we spoke about how these early industrialists were able to take over all industry faucets and set the tone, from the very beginning of this industrial revolution….Carnegie controlled this new industrial product called steel… This invention took the lead in obviously building the railroads but not just that, steel would become the leading product in the manufacturing of most of the new construction, buildings, factories, tools, vehicles, etc. Carnegie was the lynchpin behind all of this new industry, he supplied it all. With Rockafeller, it’s the same thing. Through his control of oil, he could effectively control the whole of transportation in the US. Anything shipped, Rockafeller for a cut, via having to use oil to power the transportation and distribution of any product, including Carnegies steel, and not to mention oil now being used to manufacture many of the products at this time. So we can see how Carnegie could control much of the manufacturing industry, Rockafeller controlling most all of the transportation and distribution and JP Morgan to finance it all…..

Do we believe that these guys carved all of this out themselves? Coordinated, and conspired amongst each other while alive and then also devised a plan to keep this hydra growing and consolidating power, and expanding into authoritative world bodies, for over a hundred years after they’re gone? Or is it that this is all just a big creation of the main powers of this time, the banking interests? For it was the banks that were the most developed, wealthy, and powerful industries of this time. Nathan Rothschild had long since established his banking empire all across Europe, centralizing and consolidating it all and this marked a good opportunity to now begin to take the reins of some of the newest, highly profitable, emerging industries like oil, or steel,, etc.

Let me read a quote from author Gary Allen from his book, “The Rockafeller File”…It says quote, “The master planners devised the strategy of a merger - a Great Merger - among nations. But before such a merger can be consummated, and the United States becomes just another province in a New World Order, there must at least be the semblance of parity among the senior partners in the deal. How does one make the nations of the world more nearly equal? The Insiders determined that a two-prong approach was needed; use American money and know-how to build up your competitors, while at the same time use every devious strategy you can devise to weaken and impoverish this country. The goal is not to bankrupt the United States. Rather, it is to reduce our productive might, and therefore our standard of living, to the meager subsistence level of the socialized nations of the world. The plan is not to bring the standard of living in less developed countries up to our level, but to bring ours down to meet theirs coming up... It is your standard of living which must be sacrificed on the altar of the New World Order." -

You might say, well these men were building America up, not bringing it down, and that is true however, these industries needed to be built in order to implement this new world order, and the controllers would never let just anyone be in control of such power and wealth. These new industries had to be created and grown, and nurtured, and steered towards certain directions, carefully planned every step of the way……..Absolute control ladies and gentlemen.

Maybe it’s just me but I don’t believe that these guys would come up with this on their own. There had to be something or someone behind it all. David Rockafeller, in his memoirs, of which I’ve spoken about earlier in this series had some very interesting things to say about whether or not there is some larger, globalist conspiracy.. He said quote,

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

So right there folks, he openly admits that he, and others as he says “we”, are part of a quote “”secret cabal” end quote, working quote “against the best interests of the United States” end quote. Now that we see that they openly admit their plan, the next logical question is why? Well Mr Rockafeller tell us that too in his book. He also tells us a little bit about the media’s involvement in it all, just in case you don’t believe the evidence that this series has already laid out? He says this about these plans….Quote,

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

There it is folks, “The supernatural sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practices in past centuries”…. They want supernatural sovereignty, or unnatural sovereignty? Here is the definition for supernatural…

”a manifestation or event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.” Take that in for a moment….Supernatural? Unnatural sovereignty? And clearly he states that this sovereignty will be controlled by an “intellectual elite”, and “world bankers”. All right there in your face, telling you what they’re going to do, and they think that you aren’t going to do a thing about it.

In the next chapter we are going to see if we can pull back the curtain a little more on these early American industrialists, we will see if there’s someone, or some thing behind them, and their actions from this early time in America. We will look at some of the European elites at this time, like the Paysuers, and we will see if we can find any connection between them, and these robber barons, being controlled somehow by European bankers and elites. Thank you for listening…

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Understand that I will never, ever go subscription on you guys…Ever! This information needs to be told and not sold and needs to be spread far and wide. So I only ask those who feel like it, consider buying me a cup of coffee, HERE so that I can give it to my wife so she will let me keep taking the time to write these articles. Thank you.

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What if a small, secret, ultra powerful group really ran the world?