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The Basis Of Our Confusion Chapter 8

The Basis Of Our Confusion Chapter 8

Who are they, really?

We’ve previously began to dig down into the heart of this fundamental problem facing us, and asked who it is pulling the strings from the darkness. We were able to determine that, early on, more than 100 years ago, maybe the richest man in the world, probably top 3 at least at this time, was instrumental in setting up the first American think tanks, or policy pushers as we call them on this substack. We can see that he was the first one, with the help of his colleague, John Rockefeller, to sound the alarm on this catastrophic climate change situation, writing some of the first modern research papers on the subject and of course handing it off to his world government body, also created by him, to review, approve, and agree with, and then to offer a solution. All of this, is then given to the msm, also controlled by them, and is blasted on tv, and radio for the world to hear.

With the aforementioned media, we find that there has been a slow and steady centralization of all major media from first, print, to then tv, and now into the internet age, seeing this same consolidation. And it seems that anytime someone from outside of their group, is smart and savvy enough to come up with something on their own, and implement it, “they” always manage to get their hands on it and if they can’t, they’ll just shut you down.

Currently, we see one group that controls 4 of the 5 media top media companies, named vanguard, through their majority holding of stock shares. Now, vanguard is a publicly traded company so we must now look into who it is that controls the majority shares of vanguard..We find another financial company sitting at the top of this ownership, and by far, a company called “blackrock”. I’ll leave you a screenshot.

This name rings a bell….In the last chapter of this series, I posted screenshots of the majority shareholders of 4 of the top 5 media corporations in order to show you vanguard at the top, but there was another company that I saw popping up in all of those…….Blackrock! In fact in two of these 4 top media corporations, Vanguard is number 1 and Blackrock is the number 2 majority shareholder.

In the remaining 2 of these top 4 media companies, Vanguard is number 1 and Blackrock is number 3. Im chuckling in disgust….I’m learning some of these things as I research for this series. I’ve never looked further than the commonly cited fact that only 5 companies own 90 percent of the media, I stopped there in ignorance. Upon researching it all more thoroughly, we see that it’s many times worse than that even! Even just yesterday, I was stunned to find Vanguard controlling 4 of the top 5 media corporations, and here today, I’m stunned yet again to find that Blackrock is basically the number 2 holder in these companies, and that Vanguard owns Blackrock! So now, as this chapter has become a live research dig, we can see that vanguards percentage control of these top media corporations is actually deceptively low because we see Blackrock also controlling a huge percentage of these corporations, and Blackrock is owned by Vanguard. When we look at Comcast, disney, paramount, and AT&T, we find that Vanguard, along with Blackrock, own combined, about 12.5% of each of these companies, and 18% of paramount, giving them, on average, about 3 times the percentage stake as the next largest shareholder. Now, as far as the 5th top media corporation, Sony, we don’t see any vanguard or Blackrock ownership however, I’d wager that if we took the time to research these institutions that are controlling Sony, we may find that Blackrock or vanguard owning those companies and so they would then also be holding ownership in Sony. Also, with regard to those two owning about 12.5% of the other 4, this may be more! As they may own some of these other institutions that are holding shares of these companies, indirectly, and so it’s probably much more than we even know.

So now that we know that Vanguard owns Blackrock, well who owns Blackrock..Lol Ready for your head to start hurting a little bit? Well, I’ll leave you a screen shot, it says that Vanguard owns Blackrock! So blackrock owns vanguard, and vanguard owns Blackrock, lol. It’s all rigged folks, all of it!

At the end of the day, if we dug into the boards of directors of these companies, those top media corporations are probably owned and controlled by one group, or person, and we’ve just basically proven it a few moments ago.

What about controlling the governments of the world and global bodies like the UN, or the IMF? I mean, Carnegie has been dead and gone for like almost 100 years. Did he just lay the groundwork for these things, or did he lay the groundwork and also continue to control them through his foundations? You already know the answer to this but if your wondering, let’s go back to Carnegies’ website, carnegiecouncil.org….. It says:

“Scholars and experts from Carnegie have served in nearly every administration since the endowment’s founding.”

Now, folks, this right here is your spiderweb. This is where one finds all of the connections, “Scholars and experts”. Someone could take the time and research all of the, probably thousands by now, official, Carnegie group scholars and experts and then cross reference them and see which ones served in US Presidential Administrations, there must be hundreds.

Their website goes on to say:

“Members of the Board of Trustees over the years have included former president Dwight Eisenhower, former secretaries of state Elihu Root”

and I have to stop here briefly and talk to you about this guy. From establishment source, Wikipedia…

“Root was a leading New York City lawyer who moved frequently between high-level appointed government positions in Washington, D.C. and private-sector legal practice in New York City. His private clients included major corporations and such powerful players as Andrew Carnegie. Root served as president or chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Root was a prominent opponent of women's suffrage.”

As you can see, this is how it’s done. Agents everywhere like tentacles! Bouncing from government position to powerful private sector roles. And notice folks, because we spoke about this earlier in this series, how they have managed to even engineer our supposed organic social movements, this guy helped jumpstart the women’s suffrage movement, a psyop, as many reading this already know and so here’s more proof of their social engineering.

The other Secretary of State that the Carnegie website notes is John Foster Dulles, CIA director, Allen Dulles’ brother and many of you know all about the Dulles brothers so we won’t get anymore into it, but once again, more proof of this spiderweb of agents, infiltrators, and provocateurs. Of course many of these trustees also fanned out into the world bodies like former World Bank president and U.S. trade representative Robert Zoellick, or Director General of the World Trade Organization Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Understand also folks, these are just those that Carnegiecouncil.org chose to mention, there must be dozens, or hundreds more. And we should also keep in mind that it’s not just Carnegie but it was/is his spin-off organizations, secondary entities, it was also his powerful colleagues too, and their lobby’s, and think tanks, and their subsidiaries, all layered, complicated, obfuscated, a hidden, mucky glob, sort of like how we laid out ownership of the media corporations, and the ownership of those companies, and how we see that they own eachother. And can you imagine how far it’s all come now, 100 years later? The consolidation? The centralization? The infiltration? If you enjoy this series, please like, share, and subscribe and watch out for chapter 9. Thank you for listening.

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What if a small, secret, ultra powerful group really ran the world?