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The Basis For Our Confusion Chapter 7

The Basis For Our Confusion Chapter 7

Who are they?

At this point in this series, we’ve laid out evidence that seems to show some monolithic conspiracy being perpetrated upon the citizenry of the world, citizens of every single nation in existence. From controlling the source of the info, meaning the info itself, to the dissemination of the info, to all of the ancillary things that you would need in order to control a particular narrative……Like control of all of the major media institutions, religious institutions, like the Vatican, or control of the social media company’s like Facebook and twitter, or alphabet, or controlling the various think tanks, like the CFR, or the suspiciously named, tri-lateral commission, just to name a few. Moving then into the infiltration of our world bodies, like the WHO, or the UN, to controlling probably 75% of our politicians and judges, to control of our culture through fake cultural revolutions using fake music, and fake movies. Once one sees it all, and realizes that we are in a dire situation, the next obvious question is…….Who’s behind this?

In this chapter we will dig into who it is, or what it is that’s behind all of this confusion, and distortion.

To understand who it is that’s calling the shots we have to look first, at history, documented historical record. We first must take a look at the globalist world bodies like the UN and look at their initiatives and agendas, like agenda 21, agenda 30 among others. At first glance, these initiatives seem harmless, benevolent, for the greater good, and watch out for those three words, “the greater good”, because almost all of the death and murder perpetrated throughout the course of our history has been for those three words ladies and gentlemen. But when you dig a little deeper, and broaden your perspective, these agendas glow like a firefly… You see dear listeners, these people behind the scenes always tell you who they are, and what they are doing, in fact they write books about it. There is Aldous Huxleys’ “brave new world”…Laying out the depopulation agenda..Theres Charles Darwin and his theory, laying the ground for the elimination of god, and his grandson who also wrote about the depopulation agenda in “the next million years”. Or maybe carol Quigley and his books, primarily, “tragedy and hope”. In these books, folks, they lay out there plan, and in detail. Once we have a handle on these books, and their real meanings, we can then cross reference those ideas with the various global initiatives, like for instance, agenda 30. We see that these global pacts and treaty’s are the application of these ideas upon the world, almost to a tee! But these guys, while considered intellectuals, were mostly just authors at the end of the day and none of them ever really held any real, applicable power. There must be another layer behind them?

We turn our heads now to the think tanks….We see that the very first one in America, and probably the next dozen or so, were steel magnate, Carnegie created and funded… From there, the foundation was laid and many of the rest of the early American think tanks were simply offshoots of the originals, specialized for specific purposes, lobbying for more precise issues however still issues that are a part of the larger, more broad issue. An example of what I’m saying could be how Carnegie created and funded the first think tank that determined that we are in the middle of a man made climate change scenario on earth. That is the broad issue. From there, they spring offshoots like a lobby for an endangered animal or plant species for instance, and on and on. All individual issues however all still pertaining to the overall, initial issue, in this case, climate change. So really we can say that almost all of these now hundreds of think tanks are simply branches of a main, overall initiative that is being pushed which means that just like with their various authors, and their books, with these think tanks, there is also a single source behind them.

Now would be a good time to go back to the first part of this chapter about these global bodies, and their agendas, and take a deeper look.

I’m sure that most folks reading this substack understand that the UN is basically a re-tooled organization that was known as , “The League Of Nations”, initially. The LON was a reaction to the events of WW1, officially established in 1919 at the treaty of Versailles, however the planning for this body had begun many years earlier. In 1914, Illuminati initiate, globalist Andrew Carnegie had already infiltrated the religious institution in the US (and the Vatican for that matter), and organized a group called the Church Peace Union, where he mobilized groups of Protestants, Christians, and Jews as essentially a powerful religious lobby group. According to Carnegies’ official website, Carnegiecouncil.org, it says

“the Church Peace Unions’ board agreed to promote a "world organization for lasting peace" to American ministers and the public through the churches, cooperating closely with President Woodrow Wilson.”

It went on to say

“In this way, the organization was able to seize the opportunity to help shape the design of the League of Nations, which was established at the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.”

So, as agreed upon earlier, the UN is simply the LON but with a different name this time. It’s the same thing it’s just that the world wasn’t quite ready for this globalization bullshit yet, in 1919. It was going to take another war, and millions more dead, in order to change the plebs minds, but they did it, and they got their League of Nations this time, in 1945. And so since we can agree that the UN is the LON, we can also agree that, as Carnegiecouncil.org has proven, the LoN was controlled if not created by Carnegie, then we can say that the UN is also then, a Carnegie creation. Now a pattern is beginning to form, we are starting to see a recurring name popping up…..Carnegie. We can see him creating the first international lobby organization, The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, in 1910, just in time for the First World War, 4 years later…Some good that did, huh? Also, 4 years later he slithers his tentacles into the religious groups, organizing the first international religious lobby, the Church Peace Union, and notice he called it a “Union”, like a labor union. Do you at this same time in Russia, “Union” was code for “communist”, and the world we see that around this same exact time, with the bolsheviks…Again, so much for that international peace lobby, huh?

So, by the 20’s, Carnegie has his think tanks and lobby’s in place, including the religious institutions, and by 1945, he officially gets his, what will soon be, world government, the UN. His controlled publishing and distribution companies allowed him to push, his Illuminati partners books, like Huxley, Darwin, etc, because folks, they all attended the same meetings, they all took part in the same initiations, rituals, etc. All these authors pushing this future dystopia, openly..Part of another one of their rituals, where they must tell you what they are going to do to you.. I guess it gives them more power. So we see Carnegie, or his money, or his friends behind all three areas that have thus far been discussed…. Behind the world bodies, behind the elites books and their message, and behind the think tanks and lobby’s.. All of these three things saying the same thing, just coming at you in slightly different ways and from different directions… It’s called, “reiteration” and I’ve spoken about that earlier in this series.

I can give you a great, more current and very relevant example of carnegies control and how they use these tools to force unpopular policy upon people.. Carnegie and Rockefeller funded some of the first climate change research papers. These research papers were then presented to the “experts” at the UN, which then kicks off, well, this global warming stuff, getting ready for a global carbon tax…I say that to show you how far it’s come now…. It’s circular policy making…weaponized reiteration. You can see that the initial source of the info (the Carnegie research paper), which is fake, is then handed over to a quote unquote “world body authority”, in the UN, also controlled by Carnegie and his friends, who then takes the findings, pretends to verify them, and then presents them to the world as facts, along with presenting to us a solution, in their expert opinion, of course. All controlled behind the scenes by the same people.

And don’t forget, this info is then picked up by the various media companies, and blasted out into the info sphere. We know, and have spoken about how only 5 people own all of the major news networks. Well who are these people?

Basically, you look at who owns it. In cases with these public companies, one must look at who is holding majority share of its stock. Interestingly, or maybe I should say, frighteningly, we see a financial firm named “Vanguard” that is the number one shareholder of Disney, Comcast, AT&T, and Paramount…Vanguard does not seem to be at least a top ten holder of the last one, Sony. Number 1 shareholder folks.. Of 4 of the 5 major media companies. I’ll leave u some screenshots below for you to see for yourselves.

The majority of us have always pointed, for years, at the small ownership at the top of our media structure. While we’ve rightfully railed against it, when we dig deeper, it gets even worse! We see essentially one group controlling basically all of the media, completely stunning even the most regimented researcher.

It becomes clear now….We can see most all of the main think tanks and lobby groups all seemingly under the same “agenda umbrella”, all started with Carnegie,, and Rockefeller, and the like. We see the global institutions, the UN being Carnegie created, The Who, being Carnegie and Rockefeller created, etc. We see these groups pick up papers from the “on team” think tanks, and then package it up into a nice summary and conclusion, one tailored to their narrative, and then hands it off to their information pushers, the media of which, is also controlled by “them”.

This now opens the door to who, exactly are “them”. Carnegie and Rockefeller are both long dead and gone but as with these people, their plans have always been generational and so you can bet that a new representative of their ideology, or of their group, or their secret society has been groomed and is following through with what they call, the “”great work”, and next chapter we will peel another layer off in an attempt to get to the heart of who it is controlling things.

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