May 7, 2022·edited May 7, 2022Author

I know that not many people read my writing but I wanted to spark a brief “thought experiment”. With regard to Vanguard...The top shareholder of 4 of the 5 top media companies. They are obviously smart business people, clearly no arguments here.

Over the last 6 years at least, have these smart business people seen the propaganda coming from say, CNN? Have these smart business persons not seen the horrendous double standard in reporting? Have they not seen the inciting of riots and violence from these groups? Have they not seen the clear lies that they told, and continue to tell? At no point did these smart business people ever think about stepping in and trying to steer these companies back onto the track? Why not? You can’t tell me, that none of these smart business people noticed any of this? Vanguard was also the number 1 shareholder of twitter, didn’t Vanguard see the censorship of the truthful hunter Biden laptop as affecting a very important presidential election? They don’t care? Why? I would be embarrassed if I owned this company to be 100% honest.

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they are an integral part of the Harlot system... they know & abide by & benefit from the rules of the game... for now... what they fail to recognize is that to follow through on the plan will cost them dearly too... they are blind.


(apologies if i posted this link previously... )

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