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The Basis For Our Confusion Part 9

The Basis For Our Confusion Part 9

Identifying the enemy

If you’ve been following along with the chapters of this series, you’ll now understand that there may be a reason why this world that we have been born into seems to be so chaotic, stressful, and completely screwed up. For years, scholars, and psychologists, and biologists have eluded to this being some inherent trait found inside us humans, making us violent, barbaric, remnants left over from our pre-evolutionary days……..Survival of the fittest as one of the agents of these controllers behind the scenes had written some time ago. These scholars however, don’t really know in fact, they are simply just guesses. And if you’ve been paying any attention over the last 2, or 2.5 years, you may have a very strong opinion on establishment science, and “trusting” it in fact, you might just not trust any of it at all anymore, and rightfully so. From experts in health, to experts in business, to experts in religion, to expert economists, all seem to have been wrong on almost all major issues for the last 10 years but for sure the last 5 or 6…..As we steadily march towards the end of the cliff, the destination that this journey has always been heading.

Many are starting to recognize the possibility that there may be some entity holding enough power to where they are able to control the top of all major institutions in the US, and the world, including the culture and industry. After all, the “lock step” formation taken by the whole establishment, from hollywood, to all major health care, to all the top corporation, to the media, has shown how quickly all of these usually slow, bureaucratic institutions, seemingly all separately adopt all of the same restrictive “”covid” policies, almost immediately without any delay, not even taking the time to determine the best safety precautions to enact based on science. Multi billion dollar companies, with teams of labor lawyers, and none of them ever looked any deeper at any of it other than the cdc website. It was almost as though they were all being controlled from the shadows somehow, and the people (sheeple) are starting to see it.

We’ve peeled back the veil, somewhat as to how/where it all began. We’ve been able to identify some of the early American robber barons, like JD Rockafeller, or Andrew Carnegie. We have found that it is these guys, along with their other very wealthy buddies like JP Morgan, or Cornelius Vanderbilt, and maybe along with their European handlers, those which are hardly ever mentioned when speaking about these early billionaires and in fact, trillionaires when adjusted for inflation, were able to plant the seeds for this modern globalist world as we know it, the one that’s getting ready to implode as we speak. These seeds have reached maturity today. The fruits of these seeds, these seeds in the form of these international institutions, like the UN, the IMF, the WHO, the WEF, all created directly by these people as it was these people like Andrew Carnegie, who would lay the groundwork for the League of Nations, the predecessor to the UN, or laying the groundwork for the NIH, and WHO, through the Carnegie takeover of world healthcare. Or people like JP Morgan who were instrumental in the formation of the federal reserve, and his cruise line may have played a coincidental, or maybe a nefarious role in the elimination of many powerful people who were against the establishment of a third party controlled federal reserve system.

Once these institutions were in place, it was now only a matter of controlling these entities, and slowly moving them towards a new one world economic order, and I use that exact phrase because this is the phrase used by David Rockefeller in his memoirs and if you haven’t read it, you should. He speaks openly in his book about being a quote “proud internationalist”.

Ladies and gentlemen, all of it was set up in order to move the entire world into a new economic world order, as Rockefeller also said in his book, and the only way to properly do this, to properly control it, is to have a one world government to go along with it all, it’s just that they didnt come out and tell you that last part, they will never tell you that last part, until it’s already done.

As we can see, the idea is to establish a world body to be the authority on a matter, let’s take the WHO. The WHO, whose members are unelected and instead, selected by the various heads of states around the world, most of them controlled by this cabal already, wants to be in charge of the whole world with regard to pandemic response. They want the authority to cast mandates upon the nations of the world with regard to how business should be conducted, wearing masks, children going to school, and forcing vaccines, etc. Now, this wouldn’t be quite so bad if the WHO were the extent of their control, but it is not. Usually, in a true free market, in a true representative democracy, there would be some natural checks and balances like for instance many of the businesses and corporations would err on the side of the constitution however, as we saw with covid, the top few leaders in each industry jumped right in line and joined the “goose step” march with these world and govt bodies and never questioned any of the restrictions, laying the cover for the rest of industry to follow suit as the smaller, and intermediate sized businesses always do. So there are no natural checks and balances in this case as we were able to see so clearly, and it’s not hard to understand how in this case, the WHO can take full control of a countries economy through their authority given to them during a pandemic. One entity controlling the economy of every nation in the world….This is one facet of the one world govt. listen folks, they’re not going to announce it. They’re not going to have a ceremony one day where they do some ritual and transfer power from the nations to some central authority. No ladies and gentlemen, this will be done very very subtly so as to not rouse the sheeple. It will just slowly be done, in ways like the example laid out.

When we speak on who it is behind all of this, we see that it’s all of these global institutions. We can start to see glimmers of their true agendas and can glean some information as to their true intentions when we see them move to snatch absolute control of whole nations. It’s these institutions, the diseased fruits of the poisonous seeds planted so long ago by those evil robber barons.

The best way to understand it all is to first understand that a secret cabal does indeed exist, and then you must understand the amount of control that they possess, through control of these world bodies, the top industry leaders, the majority of the politicians, the media, sports and Hollywood, etc, it’s completely centrally controlled. Once you wrap your head around that fact, the rest is actually quite easy to understand.

Next, we must understand the timeframe of which it has been implemented. We must go all the way back to 1776, and understand who it is that we were fighting and what it was that we were fighting against……..Tyrants, and tyranny, coming mostly in the form of the rulers of the day, the fake kings and queens, the ones who ruled over our ancestors because god told them this, because god ordained them…..He really did, the kings and queens of the day said so themselves, trust them. These people, their descendants, are the ones who have created this current world order of which we live in today, the liberal world order, and at the same time, they’ve also laid the groundwork for the next world order, as they’ve done time, and time again over the centuries. These tyrants are the same tyrants that we had to send packing just a few short centuries ago…. After the establishment of America, these tyrants didn’t stop, they sent agents in the form of Indian tribe allies wreaking havoc in the north to instigating, and funding conflicts with the Mexicans in the south. They even managed to pit the good people of this country against each other in the American civil war, which was 100 percent created by these people and I can prove it and have proven it. Please see this video that I did on rumble that breaks down all of the players involved in the American civil war and you will not hear any of the factual information found in this video from any mainstream sources. The video can be found at the end of the transcript.

From the civil war of course, we move into the world wars, also done so with America as a target, but also setting up their most recent world order. In addition to that, was the introduction of the world to a major country implementing communism upon its citizenry for the first time in Russia, also another gigantic part of the overall end game.

Once America came out the other end of the Second World War as a super power and with the invention of this new communist, Russian boogie man, to keep America, and her potentially spreading true freedom worldwide in check, they could hold the world hostage, as they did during the Cold War with the fear of nuclear holocaust leaving the world listening to their media personalities like children in 3rd grade, obeying and following everything they say to a tee and all the while, allowing China to grow and grow under the radar.

Finally, around the turn of the century, we get to terrorism….Getting is to turn our heads away from communism, and to pay attention to something else. This was necessary because the new world govt will have a communist arm to it, and from the looks of our current enemies, it looks as though all of the enemies of freedom have teamed up against us….Communism, Fascism, radical Islam, nazism, all for one final takeover.

Now that all is in place, the last step, which has been ongoing, is to use these international, world bodies, the ones set up by those men I mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, to slowly, incrementally seize control of the decision making of the nations of the world essentially, taking control of these nations indirectly, not having been elected by the people’s of any of the nations of the world, as laid out in an example earlier using the WHO and their pandemic powers. This would then branch out into other areas of seizing control like for instance the UN police force. Once precedence is set with the WHO pandemic powers, we will see the UN send in their police force in order to curb gun violence in America for instance, having a world body take control of our law enforcement and of course the next logical step would be to then ease into taking over the judicial branches of the country. In fact, any time there is any sort of emergency, or crisis, we could play this game all day long, they will appoint a world body to oversee the crisis…. And for you conspiracy theorists….. this would be bad news as we understand how crisis are in many cases, manufactured by those in control, and have been for centuries..

The purpose of these world bodies, created so long ago was to first establish themselves as an authority within different sciences and social issues, to promote this quasi-socialist mind set, greater good, diversity….. All things that seem great on the surface but in most cases are just not realistic on a large scale it’s just that not many folks think it all through properly. These entities, lie in wait, firmly established now and ready to slowly begin to assume these new powers that the controlled leaders of the world today are getting ready to cede over to them. They will act like big brother, like a savior, here to help out, just trying to keep everyone safe…But in reality this is the moment that they were set up for, to look like this innocent, philanthropic, do-gooder, just trying to help. And they will be handed the reins of control of each nation in the world, with each international body assuming different arms of control from the worlds nations. There will never be one official world govt, because the sheep won’t like that….It has to be done in compartments. Like with the WHO taking over industry, or the UN taking over law, etc. it will never look like a United one world govt although it will be controlled as such and that is part of the scam, and always has been.

To understand these people, to fight against them, at this point there is one rule of thumb…….If you hear something on the news, it’s probably the opposite. If the media likes someone, then you shouldn’t, if the media hates someone or something, you should love them, if a celebrity says it, then it’s the opposite, and if an international body wants to suggest to a country any sort of restriction, or mandate, then you must reject it because it’s probably not for your own good but instead for the good of them, and their cause, and if any politician wants to go into the bill of rights and take rights away, then they must immediately be relegated to irrelevant and should no longer be considered a viable candidate for office. Those rights were given, or ordained to us by god, not by man, or king, or billionaire elite but by God! To even consider opening up that conversation shows you the snake characteristics of that politician and they must immediately be rejected.

The world needs to decentralize first in order to slow down and figure out what in the hell is going on and how in the hell we fix it. I’d say some form of isolationism would be just what the Dr ordered (not dr fauci though) right about now.

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The Communist Takeover Of America: Without even firing a shot 👇👇


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Draven’s Dossier
What if a small, secret, ultra powerful group really ran the world?